Today, I finally finished my room!!! I am so excited, because it is finished & it looks great! I am so ready for the new school year to start!
Here are some pictures of the finished room!!
This is the view from one corner of the room. I like how this year, I got rid of stuff, and it really opened up the floor more. The room looks so much bigger.
This is the view from the opposite end. I know my boards in the back are empty, but I can not hang up my charts without teaching them first!! I think I will add some cute welcome back pictures on them to help them look not so empty.
This is my whole group instructional area. I am in LOVE with the new rug I inherited this year!
I really was excited last year, when I got the two blue book carts from Donors Choose. This summer I ordered one more, and now I am in love with my library area. This is really the best its ever been.
The guided reading table. I want to replace the green table skirt with a bee one, but I am still looking for one that I really like. I saw the seat boxes on Pinterest, and made them this summer. They are great to store student supplies.
So after reading and reading and reading some more....I liked how the Two Sisters described CAFE as the FACE of a reader. So, I switched my signs to FACE. I want to thank the wonderful Lisa Wagner for helping me with this!
My Daily 5 stations. I love the Bees!!
Last year, I used the hanging shoe holder to hold my buckets. I was not happy with the way it looked. This year, I thought I would utilize the space under the board for them. I am happy with the way it turned out. Just missing the kids' names. Can not WAIT to get my roster!
This is my second year using the FRY System. Thanks to my long distance grade partner Braun, for helping me set this up last year. My kids loved it. It was also so much easier for me to keep track of students. I use to use the red, yellow, green system. The problem was that I always forgot to change it, I like that with the fries I can just look down and see who is where. As soon as I get my roster, I will add the students' names to the pins. Each student gets 4 pins. You can easily go to a Mc.Donald and ask them for the empty fry containers. Thanks Donna!
I love love love that I took the time this summer to organize all my Read Alouds! I am really excited to have them so nice and neat and at a hands reach!
This another great design with the help of my long distance grade partner! My kids loved this last year! It was so great to hear them teach new students how to use it! Each spot has reminders for them. They just move the pins as they work in each stage. Here are my captions on the large pencil:
I am ready to start the school year!!!